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05 September 2022

Work while respecting the environment

We spend an average of 9 hours a day at work, or almost 100,000 hours in an entire career. We can no longer deny the fact that eco-responsibility is not only done at home, but also in the office. It is therefore everyone's duty to take responsibility and help the environment with little tips or lifestyles that will relieve the planet. Here are a few.

And yes, being eco -responsible at the office starts from the moment we cross our door to get there. You may be one of the 74% of the French population who use their car to go to their workplace. So, you are partly responsible for the 20MTCO2 issued per year, or 4% of greenhouse emissions from France. However, if you were carpooling with a few colleagues, you would do good to the planet. Indeed, 4 drivers choosing to carpool in a single car would reduce carbonic emissions by 30%. And even if they were only 2, they would still be reduced by 20%.
Apart from carpooling, there are public transport options, such as the bus or the metro, which certainly take longer, but which are on the other hand more ecological, and even more economical for some. More and more lines are created, allowing easier access for everyone.
In addition, each vehicle that remains at the garage is one vehicle less on the roads. And reduced traffic, they are happier and more productive employees.

An employee rejects 130 kg of waste on average per year, in business. It has all papers and throttles thrown, goblets and touiltes used ... So, it is important to adopt good gestures and good tips to consume less, and therefore less pollute (you can also consult: a few eco -responsible gestures at the office ).Un collaborateur rejette 130 kg de déchets en moyenne par an, en entreprise. Ça comporte tous les papiers et les mégots jetés, les gobelets et touillettes utilisées… Alors, il est important d’adopter des bons gestes et de bonnes astuces pour moins consommer, et donc moins polluer (vous pouvez aussi consulter : Quelques gestes écoresponsables au bureau).
First, paper represents a huge issue for the environment. Indeed, according to ADEME, each employee consumes up to 80kg of paper per year, and throws 25% of the documents within 10 minutes after they were printed. Digital should then be favored, such as emails or common servers, or reuse printed documents only on the front, as a draft, for example.
Then, each email sent or each attachment added consumes energy, which rejects CO2. In addition, all archived emails fill servers that too consume a lot of energy. This is why it is important to sort these emails well, and to delete those who are not important. You also have to think about emptying your basket without which the deletion of these emails is useless.

A little coffee with his colleagues, it relaxes between two files to be returned as soon as possible. And eating a snack in the morning keeps you awake and sharp until lunch break. Except that when everyone goes back to work, all the waste usually ends up in the same bin.
First of all, an eco-responsible employee is an employee who knows that waste can be sorted and knows in which bin to throw it. He also makes his colleagues aware of the importance of the environmental issue of this sorting. There are also bins designed for awareness that indicate what kind of waste they should receive.
In addition, 24% of the French population between the ages of 18 and 75 smokes daily, i.e. more than 16 million French people. It is estimated that in France each year, 20,000 to 25,000 tonnes of cigarette butts are thrown away. A salaried smoker will smoke on average 3 to 4 cigarettes per day, which means that a company of about 100 employees will throw away, each year (counting on smokers to throw their cigarette butts in a bin), approximately 30,000 cigarette butts. . Fortunately, there are now companies like Cy-clope or MéGO!, which collect and value them.